Nothing planned at the moment.
‘Leave no trace? Storage in the Irish ethnographic record and the implications for archaeology,’ by Penny Johnston, Kerri Cleary, Erin Crowley-Champoux and Meriel McClatchie, 31 August 2024, at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome.
‘Ireland’s folklife collections as a resource for archaeologists? A case study from the FOODSEC project,’ by Penny Johnston, Kerri Cleary, Erin Crowley-Champoux and Meriel McClatchie, 6 December 2023, UCD School of Archaeology Research Day.
‘Food storage and security in Bronze Age Ireland‘ by P. Johnston, M. McClatchie, K. Cleary, C. Doyle, E. Crowley-Champoux and Tiernan Gaffney, 2 September 2023, at the 29th EAA Annual Meeting in Queen’s University, Belfast.
‘Medieval, waterlogged and rural: insect and plant remains from a Cistercian grange at Bey More, Co. Meath‘ by P. Johnston, E. Kourela, S. Davis and M. Nagyova, 6 May 2023, at the EAI conference, From Landscape to Streetscape – Environmental Archaeology in Ireland, at the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.
‘INSTAR: transforming environmental archaeology in research and industry in Ireland‘ by P. Johnston, 21 April 2023, at the Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles’, Oxford Part of the Rewilding Later Prehistory Workshops.